Drug Lab Cleanup Program

How We're Involved

The Washington State Department of Health certifies workers, supervisors, and contractors who clean up illegal drug labs. We do this to support local health agency's efforts for handling contaminated drug lab sites.

Resources We Provide

Contacts for Drug Lab Cleanup Issues

Meth Labs - Dangers of methamphetamine and illegal drug labs.

Rental property drug lab prevention brochure (PDF) - Handout for landlords and property owners on preventing drug labs.

Motel and hotel drug lab prevention brochure (PDF) - Handout for owners and managers on preventing drug labs on their property.

Drug Lab Cleanup Companies - List of decontamination contractors who are certified to cleanup drug labs.

Certification Requirements for Drug Lab Cleanup - Learn about the fees and requirements for being a drug lab decontamination worker, supervisor, contractor, or training provider.

Decontamination Resources - Guidelines and standards workers cleaning up drug labs should follow.


Laws, Rules, and Policies

Chapter 64.44 RCW, Contaminated Properties

Chapter 246-205 WAC, Decontamination of Illegal Drug Manufacturing or Storage Sites

Chapter 296-843 WAC, Industry requirements for Hazardous Waste Operations

Methamphetamine Use in Transient Accommodations Interpretive Statement (PDF)