Medical Provider Breastfeeding Information

Medical Association Breastfeeding Position Papers

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

  • Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk Policy Statement
    Breastfeeding is the physiological norm for both mothers and their children. Breastmilk offers medical and psychological benefits not available from human milk substitutes. The AAP recommends all babies, with rare exceptions, be breastfed and/or receive expressed human milk exclusively for the first six months of life. Breastfeeding should continue with the addition of complementary foods throughout the second half of the first year. Breastfeeding beyond the first year offers considerable benefits to both mother and child, and should continue as long as mutually desired. Physicians should have the knowledge to promote, protect and support breastfeeding.

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

  • Hospital use of Infant Formula in Breastfeeding Infants Position Paper
    The AAFP encourages hospital staff to respect the decision of the mother who chooses to breastfeed exclusively by not offering formula, water or pacifiers to an infant unless there is a specific physician order.
    The AAFP discourages distribution of formula or coupons for free or discounted formula in hospital discharge or physician office packets given to mothers who choose to breastfeed exclusively.

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)

Other Breastfeeding Position Papers

Lamaze International

  • Breastfeeding is Priceless: No Substitute for Human Milk
    Human milk is unique. Superior nutrients and beneficial substances found in human milk cannot be duplicated. Breastfeeding provides optimum health, nutritional, immunological and developmental benefits to children and protection from postpartum complications and future disease for mothers.

United States Breastfeeding Committee

Benefits of Breastfeeding

USDA Economic Research Service

Formula Use in Hospitals

American Journal of Public Health

American Public Health Association

Breastfeeding and Obesity Prevention

United States Breastfeeding Committee

Working and Breastfeeding

United States Breastfeeding Committee

National Breastfeeding Rates and Hospital Practices

Centers for Disease Control

  • Breastfeeding Report Card, United States: Outcome Indicators
    CDC tracks breastfeeding rates related to the Healthy People 2010 breastfeeding objectives. Outcomes data are from the annual CDC National Immunization Survey (NIS), Breastfeeding Questions and provide information on breastfeeding rates by state.
  • Breastfeeding Report Card: Process Indicators
    The CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) surveys all labor and delivery service facilities in the United States to monitor maternity care practices associated with successful breastfeeding promotion.

United States Breastfeeding Committee