Center for Health Statistics

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The Center for Health Statistics collects and publishes critical information needed to help people in Washington live healthier lives. As the office of the State Registrar, the Center is responsible for the registration, preservation, amendment, and release of official state records of all births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and divorces that occur in Washington.

You can order certified copies of birth, death, marriage and divorce records though the Vital Records webpage.

Health Statistics

The Center provides access to current, high quality health data that covers deaths, births, pregnancies, abortions, behavioral risk factors and hospitalizations. These data are also used by policy makers, health professionals, community-based organizations, and researchers to understand trends, identify high-risk populations and geographic areas, set prevention priorities, and plan targeted health promotion strategies. The Center also provides data on the financial performance of Washington hospitals.

For more information, visit the main Health Statistics webpage, Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS), Hospital and Patient Data Systems and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) pages.